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Will Miller Green Mountain Veterans For Peace

Our Veterans For Peace chapter was formed on March 16, 1991 in response to the devastating U.S. war against Iraq. We took part in anti-war activities across Vermont that year and have been organizing for peace and non-violence ever since.  


As Veterans we feel it is our duty to continue to defend our country - in this case from forces that would have us pursue war indefinitely for the profits of a few while stripping away the very freedoms they claim we are waging war to defend! 


As a chapter we welcome all peace-minded veterans in Vermont who would like to abolish empire and war, and want to work to build alliances and a movement with environmental, human rights and social justice groups.  

Danny Weiss ~ Interview with Will Miller - "Leading Up To War" - March 15, 2003

Will Miller, Presente!



A Veteran, philosopher, professor, and anti-war activist, Will Miller helped found the Green Mountain Veterans For Peace. 


"Remember elections didn't end the Vietnam War! It was a mass movement of people--students, teachers, parents and children, civil rights activists, union members, anti-war veterans from Vietnam and other periods of recent imperial history, acts of refusal by draft resisters and rebellion by active duty soldiers and finally the continued resistance of the Vietnamese Independence movement." - Will Miller


As VFP member, Bert Thompson, shared in 2005:  "If Will has taught us anything it has to be that pacifism doesn’t mean you don’t fight for right, in fact it IS the fight for righteousness."

Monthly Chapter Meetings in Montpelier 

Chapter Members Located Statewide



Last Site Update: August, 2018


Member Chapter of:

Veterans For Peace, 501(c)3

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