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Chapter VCAM 15 Program - First Sundays from Noon to 1:00pm

The Will Miller Green Mountain Veterans For Peace produces a monthly live call-in TV show on Community Access Station VCAM 15, First Sundays from Noon to 1pm.


For the VCAM 15 schedule and information, please visit:  VCAM 15

You can also find us on:

  • BCTV Channel 8 Brattleboro - First Sundays at 6:00pm and other times.

  • LPCtv Channel 8 Black River Valley & Okemo Mountain Region - Saturdays at 9:00am and other times.

  • MCTV Channel 15 Middlebury - First Sundays at 12:30pm and other times.

  • And other channels around the state - check local listings.


The program is cohosted and arranged by our chapter members and Vice President, David Ross, and Treasurer, David Ransom, to cover timely topics along with fellow chapter members and community guests.  See below for an archive of past topics of discussion.

Television Broadcast Topics ~ 2015 to Present



Archive of Television Broadcast Topics ~ November 2009 through 2014




January 5, 2014.     Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Dave Ransom with guest Heron Russell. Interview with Heron Russell on her world tour for peace and a discussion various international issues.


February 2, 2014.   Bert Thomspon and Dave Ross with guest Joseph Gainza.  A discussion of national and personal security and foreign policy.


March 2, 2014.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Dave Ransom.  A discussion of concerns related to civil rights and security, to include Edward Snowden.


April 6, 2014.  Documentary, "Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan" panel, "Divide to Conquer:  Gender and Sexuality in the Military"


May 4, 2014.  Bert Thompson and Dave Ross.  Discussion regarding Veterans For Peace mission and goals.


June 8, 2014.  Drone documentary discussing the impact of drones in the Middle East.


July 6, 2014.  Second part of documentary discussing the military industrial complex and money trail in connection with drones 


August 3, 2014.  Documentary.


September 7, 2014.  Bert Thompson and Dave Ransom.  Introduced the first part of the documentary Soldiers of Conscience - a 2006 piece describing how military members come to realize their participation in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts are not what they expected.  Documentary will be continued during October show.




January - April, 2013.  (Topics unknown)


May 5, 2013.  Previously taped recording of Medea Benjamin presentation on Drones which VfP co-sponsored with Peace and Justice Center.


June 2, 2013.  Bert Thompson and Dave Ross  Discussion of Bradley Manning, his incarceration and upcoming trial, as well as upcoming demonstrations of support for Bradley Manning.


July 7, 2013.  (Cancelled due to other commitments)


August 4, 2013.  Bert Thompson and Andrew Schoerke.  This program consisted of a recap of use of drones, history, results claimed versus actual, current status and overview of mounting opposition to drones. Guest, Andrew Schoerke, discussed his recent arrest at Hancock Air Base for protesting.  Also discussed our petition opposing drones which garnered 630 signatures from 98 Vermont Towns.


September 1, 2013.  Bert Thompson with guest Rebecca Holt from COTS. Discussion centered around the Veterans’ facility in Winooski, its shortcomings and its function, and raising awarenss of homeless veterans population in Burlington area.


October 6, 2013.  With guest, Roger Bourassa.  Discussion of the F-35 basing proposed for Burlington International Airport and the Stop the F-35 movement.  


November 3, 2013.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross and Dave Ransom with guests Robin Lloyd and Palmer Le Gare.  Discussion about the School of the Americas Watch, which hosts a protest every November at Fort Benning against the School of the Americas.  Robin Lloyd is an active SOA protester who has been arrested at Fort Benning was studio guest in a program focused on the School of the Americas and efforts to shut it down. Palmer Le Gare in Central America was in the discussion via Skype.


December 8, 2013.  With guests from the Vermont Peace and Justice Center - Rachel Siegal, Director, and Kyle Silliman-Smith, Program Manager.  Discussion of The Peace and Justice Center and its peace activities; to include the cost of War series which is co-sponsored by the Will Miller Green Mountain Veterans For Peace.




January 8, 2012.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Dave Ransom, with guest Anna Krutak.  Discussion concerning what a peace economy should look like.  This is a question that Vermont Action for Peace is tackling as a statewide project and a question that has been raised several times by our members up to the national level with the current VFP campaign entitled, "How is the war economy working for you?"


February 5, 2012.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Adrienne Kinne, with guest Randy Randall with the DAV.  Discussion of issues and treatment that is being provided to our Veterans.  


March 4, 2012.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Dave Ransom with guests Ed Frey and John Burgess, local retired legal experts. Discussion of attempts to reverse "Citizens United" US Supreme Court decision and get money personhood out of the political scene.  (This show was taped in Hyde Park at the Vermont at Green Mountain Public Access Station, to be aired in August.)


April 1, 2012. Bert Thompson and Dave Ross with guest Juliette Buck.  Discussion of the proposed F-35 basing in Burlington and the results from Environmental Impact Statement and future steps in the movement to oppose the F-35.  Further discussion of the Occupy Movement and the military/industrial power grip on government with Dave Ross reported on his experiences at Freedom Plaza in Washington DC.


May 6, 2012. Bert Thompson and Dave Ross with guest Juliette Buck, an active opponent Juliette Buck who has a "Stop the F-35" blog and who lives in affected South Burlington.  Discussion of the “Stop the F35” movement.  The results of the hearings and the environmental impact statement were brought forth, with emphasis on the seriously poor way the review meeting was conducted by the military. Important to note that South Burlington City Council has now voted to oppose siting of F-35 at the airport.


June 3, 2012.  Bert Thompson and Dave Ross.  Discussion of the military-industrial complex and the proposed F-35 deployment to Vermont Air National Guard at Burlington Airport.


July 2012.  (Cancelled due to other commitments)


August 5, 2012. Airing of program previously recorded on March 4th.  Topic: “Corporate Personhood” Citizens United ruling ramifications for power and influence of war policy with guests John Burgess and Ed Frey.


September 2, 2012.  Bert Thompson and Dave Ross.  Discussion of highlights from the very stimulating Veterans For Peace National Meeting in Florida followed by general discussion of some of the key issues raised in workshops.


October 7, 2012.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Dave Ransom with guests Robin Lloyd and Sister Miriam Ward.  Discussion of the School of the Americas protest at Fort Benning, and the rally and vigil in Burlington coming up this fall.


November 4, 2012. The visit of our National President, Leah Bolger was a major event in our year’s activity. She spoke at a large meeting in the Cost of War Series on October 11. This show was recorded  during her visit. The main topic was drone warfare on civilians in Pakistan and the repercussions.


December 2, 2012. Dave Ross with guest Dennis Mueller, cinematographer.  Discussion of war resisters with the initial focus on those in Canada facing extradition—on which Dennis is producing a film. Expanded to Bradley Manning and others imprisoned for resistance, as well as recount of Vietnam veterans who threw their medals back in protest agains the war.




January 2, 2011.  Focus on School of Americas and the protest rally at Fort Benning. Previously taped program featuring Robin Lloyd, Sister Miriam Ward, and Marmete Hayes.


February 6, 2011.  Bert Thompson and Dave Ross with guests Peter Carastano and Jimmy Leas.  Discussion of the militarization of Burlington, e.g. new fighter jet for VT National Guard, GE contracts for military, etc. 


March 2011.  (Cancelled due to other commitments) 


April 3, 2011.  Bert Thompson and Dave Ross with guests Sister Miriam Ward and Mark Hage.  Discussion of deteriorating Israel-Palestine situation. 


May 8, 2011.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Lenore Randolph with guests from the Vermont Workers Center, Sandra Schlosser and Hayley Mason.  Discussion of the Single Payer Health proposal being considered by the Vermont Legislature.  (No TV show on May 1st due to May Day activities.)


June 5, 2011.  Bert Thompson and Dave Ross.  Discussion of a wide range of issues under the umbrella of Mid-East actions and policies, including military fatigue, and what is US responsibility in the Region.


July 3, 2011. Bert Thompson and Dave Ross.  Discussion about different topics with a focus on “What is Patriotism?” as a preparation for next day’s parade in Colchester, VT.


August 2011.  (Topic unknown)


September 4, 2011.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Lenore Randolph with guests Tina D’Amato of the Vermont Women’s Center and Hayley Mason with FedUp Vermont - a women’s advocacy group.  Discussion of sex/gender issues in the military. 


October 2, 2011. Bert Thompson and Dave Ross.  Discussion of the upcoming October 6th Veterans For Peace demonstration in Washington, and the then current Wall Street occupation with its increasing participation. Dave Ross has been active in the veteran’s action in Freedom Square and spoke about his experiences.  Other actions included the Tar Sands Pipeline protest organized by at which 1200 were arrested, and the Occupy Support encampment in McPherson Square.


November 3, 2001. Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Larry Hamilton with guests  Sister Miriam Ward, Robin Lloyd and Anna Kutrick (Guyton).  Discussion of the School of the Americas and efforts to close it down, including the protest rally at Fort Benning. The Occupy Burlington movement was also brought in since there some mutuality in purposes. 


December 4, 2011. Bert Thompson and Dave Ross with guests (Veterans from Vietnam and Iraq).  Discussion of the Occupy Wall Street movement in Burlington and around the nation.                                           




January 3, 2010.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, Dave Ransom and Lenore Randolph with guests Heron Russell and Ashley Smith, the Coordinator of the ISO.  Discussion of building a coalition of peace organizations in the Burlington-Montpelier area. 


February 7, 2010.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, Dave Ransom, Larry Hamilton, and Ed Everts, with guests Heron Russell, Anne Petermann and Orrin Langelle from the Global Justice Ecology Project.  Discussion of Global Warming and how it is related to peace issues.  Anne and Orrin participated in the Copenhagen Climate Summit in December and reported on the failures of this event to achieve meaningful agreements among governments. The problem of resulting environmental refugees and conflict over water shortages were among the issues discussed. 


March 7, 2010.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Dave Ransom with guests Heron Russell and fellow student Alexa Hart.  Special guests on the broadcast were Adella Sohail and her brother Asadullah Sohail, from Afghanistan. They are currently students here in Vermont. They presented a picture of Afghan life and culture outside of Kabul. They felt that a US military or other presence was still required for training of Afghan law enforcement and as a response to Taliban insurgency. They drew a clear line between Al Quaida and the Taliban, who are indigenous to both Pakistan and Afghanistan, but pointed out that Al Quaida were supporting the Taliban.


April 11, 2010.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Dave and Louise Ransom with guest Mark Hage from the Vermont NEA. Discussion of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Mark Hage presented a history of anti-semitism and of the creation of the State of Israel, which has led to the conflict over the years. 


May 2, 2010.  (Cancelled due to other commitments)


June 6, 2010. (Unknown topic)


July 4, 2010.  Re-airing of April 11 show featuring Mark Hage and Israeli/Palestine situation due to recent developments in the region and timeliness of information included.


August 1, 2010.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, Dave and Louise Ransom, and Ed Everts.  Discussion of Veterans For Peace activities, what the local group does, to include chapter's position against the stationing of F-35s in Burlington as an example. 


September 5, 2010. (Cancelled due to other commitments)


October 3, 2010.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ransom and Dave Ross and daughter, Kate, as guest.  TV show featured Dave Ross and his daughter Kate, who shared her experience living in New York City during the 9/11 tragedy at World Trade Center.  Also discussed proposed siting of the new mosque near the Trade Center.


November 7, 2010. Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Dave Ransom.  Discussion of the School of the Americas, and the current status and push for closing it down and removal of funding, to include overview the atrocities resulting from SoA graduates. The arrangements for the protest rally scheduled for Fort Benning on November 20 were outlined, and Veterans were encouraged to participate. A rally is alo scheduled for Burlington Church Street on Saturday November 13 with Pax Christi.


December 5, 2010.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, and Lenore Randolph.  The main focus was on the F35 and its potential adoption and use by Vermont National Guard at Burlington Airport. 




November 8, 2009.  With guest Robin Lloyd.  Discussion of the School of the Americas Watch which hosts an annual demonstration each November at Fort Benning calling for the School to close. The vigil/protest is November 20-22, and plans for attendance and transportation were set forth.  Listeners were urged to support enactment of HR 2567, a Bill to suspend the SOA operations. Congressman Welch is a co-sponsor.


December 6, 2009.  Bert Thompson, Dave Ross, Dave Ransom, and Lenore Randolph with guest Heron Russell.  Discussion of President Obama’s speech on escalation of the war in Afghanistan, given on December 1, 2009.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Monthly Chapter Meetings in Montpelier 

Chapter Members Located Statewide



Last Site Update: August, 2018


Member Chapter of:

Veterans For Peace, 501(c)3

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