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Comments of Richard Czaplinski at the Poor Peoples’ Rally, May 14, 2018, Montpelier, VT.


I wrote the following lines while I was preparing a message to present at the Vermont Peace Conference in Burlington last Saturday called “Building a World Without War.” The message brings attention to the distorted 2019 US Budget. These numbers tell the story:


For Defense and War, $686Billion, UP13 % from 2017


For Veterans Affairs (The human costs of War), $76Billion, UP12% from 2017


For Dept. of State (Diplomacy and Peace), $26billion, DOWN26%


For Restoration of the Environment and Communities, $00  






The world can no longer afford war


The costs are too great


Veterans killed


Veterans wounded

Civilians killed


Civilians wounded


Communities destroyed


Land, forests, air and water polluted or destroyed


Little or no money to care for the wounded


No money to rebuild destroyed communities


No money to restore the land, forests, air and water


War makes us all, every one of us, poor people


There is no alternative


We must foster peace every day


In every way


Learn to be at peace within yourself


Foster peace in your family


In your community


In your nation


In the world


Monthly Chapter Meetings in Montpelier 

Chapter Members Located Statewide



Last Site Update: August, 2018


Member Chapter of:

Veterans For Peace, 501(c)3

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