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Please Stop "Rattling Sabers"

16 February 2012 by Dave Ransom - Published on Stowe Reporter

Letter to the Editor,


Boys and girls expressing anger in the play yard raise fists or words in opposition. “Bullyism” training today provides a way to creatively learn how to channel that human energy. National political leaders backed by munitions manufacturers and encouraged by promises of “employment,” commit sanctions, raise words, commit clandestine murders and thefts, and send armed ships and bombs and us to learn and embody hatred for others by name and by action. As a boy during WWII, I was privileged to know many military relatives, especially my Uncle who was career military, who assured me that every war in human history did not have to have been fought. I discovered that fact for my self while serving through the Army of the United States. Money often drives the decisions of political leaders. I chose a career through which I could personally pursue the options for peace-building; I claim no success.


In 1990, I was concerned about entering another needless war in Iraq, and gathered veterans in Vermont who opposed war as an instrument of national policy, “state bullyism.” The government lied. The war was fought. We lost many dear and heroic men and women. It happened again in Iraq, the Mid-East, in Central and South America et al.


We have, as a government, exercised an historic policy to support Israel. I used to agree with that support 100%. I also agreed with the establishment of Jewish, Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, Christian etc. communities, an Arab League without oil influences and the power of money—to consider the needs of people. My support has been abused. Israel has over 200 nuclear weapons. Israel and Iran and our country et al have reverted to becoming children with fists and words raised in the school yard and secret missions of hatred exercised, despite the many largely unrecognized peace movements in Israel proper and elsewhere and with support throughout the world. Our United States Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta stated in January, 2012, that there is no hint of Iran having a nuclear weapons program.


I feel we need to encourage our political leaders to remain steadfast in diplomacy. Diplomacy and peace are difficult and can be costly, requiring intelligent and compassionate heroism. War is easy and lucrative for a few, while many lose life, limb, and hope, even while being humanly heroic and faithful, and often neglected by their own governments who sent them to craft words of hatred and to fight. The environment always suffers. The world’s children suffer. Our yearly gift of 3 billion dollars to Israel’s military budget needs to halt. Our automatic support for Israel through our veto power with the United Nations Security Council needs to stop. Our words need to be re-crafted. Our weapons manufacturers need to be re-directed toward products of need. Like “bullyism” war needs to be prevented. Diplomacy is a human development venture that requires the best we have to give, and is not limited to class, intelligence, learning, creed or power. War can be initiated by a few, consequently involving everyone without one’s personal or people’s collective choice. Diminishing “bullyism” world-wide requires the will of political leaders and the cooperation and initiative of the people at large and individually. I also daily experience that the natural world of which we are a part agrees with my intent and awaits our increased respect and actions.


Our love for your journey,


Dave Ransom

Waterville, Vermont

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