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Community Partners DEDICATED to PEACE

Building a Culture of Peace will require the efforts of people united together to a common cause, both locally, nationally, and internationally.  This is one of the more important causes facing humanity and the environment today.  There are many ways to get involved.  For more information, click on the tabs below to visit their websites - not only for information about these wonderful organizations, but also information about war and peace.  If you have an organization that you would like to see included, please contact us and we would be happy to list additional community partners.

Vermont Peace & Justice Center

The Peace & Justice Center is a Vermont-based non-profit, membership organization.  Our mission is to create a just and peaceful world.  To this end, we work on the interconnected issues of economic and racial justice, peace, and human rights through education, advocacy, training, non-violent activism and community organizing.  The PJC co-sponsors a Cost of War Speaker and Film Series with our VFP chapter.

Stop the F-35 Protect Vermont

Stop the F-35  is an organization that opposes the basing of the F-35 war planes at the Burlington Airport. They also feel that stopping the basing would be a significant step toward cancelling the whole unnecessary F-35 program nationally and supporting policies that protect our human rights, meet the needs of our communities, and enable real participation in decisions that affect our ability to live a life with dignity.

Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series

The Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series brings speakers to the UVM campus and the Burlington community to provide a continuing program of radical analyses of social, ecological and political concerns. The series is dedicated to Will Miller, Vermont’s activist philosopher and UVM Philosophy Professor for 35 years.


Events sponsored by the Lecture Series:

  • will be connected to social, ecological and political concerns

  • will assist the community in understanding the origins, workings and implications of capitalism and imperialism

  • will encourage active participation in the creation of a more just society

  • will be accessible to all

American Friends Service Committee

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that promotes lasting peace with justice, as a practical expression of faith in action. Drawing on continuing spiritual insights and working with people of many backgrounds, we nurture the seeds of change and respect for human life that transform social relations and systems.


Every minute, the United States government spends $1.2 million on the military.  AFSC’s One Minute for Peace campaign aims to raise that amount to support the real needs of our communities while raising awareness of how our tax dollars are spent.  There is more than enough money collected in tax revenues to support programs for public good.

Vermont Workers Center

The Vermont Workers' Center  is a democratic, member-run organization dedicated to organizing for the human rights of the people in Vermont. We seek an economically just and democratic Vermont in which all residents can meet their human needs and enjoy their human rights, including dignified work, universal healthcare, housing, education, childcare, transportation and a healthy environment. We work to build a democratic, diverse movement of people affected by injustice that is locally focused, coordinated statewide, and connected nationally. We work with organized labor to strengthen workers’ rights, and with other allied organizations in support of other human rights. We are committed to taking action on the full range of issues of concern to people most impacted by economic and social injustice, and to building strategic alliances nationally and internationally.

Monthly Chapter Meetings in Montpelier 

Chapter Members Located Statewide



Last Site Update: August, 2018


Member Chapter of:

Veterans For Peace, 501(c)3

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