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Projects and Information

The following are areas of particular interest and activism for our chapter of VFP - although it is not exhaustive.  Please also visit Upcoming Events, Action Alertsand News and Statements for information about our areas of activism.

Truth In Recruiting


Our Truth-in-Recruiting campaign has a goal of ensuring that all people - and particularly our youth - have the best information available to aid in making an informed decision about whether or not to join the military.  We also visit schools and classrooms to talk about our military experiences.

We Oppose Drone Warfare


Our campaign aims to raise awareness about US drone warfare.  Drone strikes result in the deaths of innocent people, which fuels hatred of the US by those who have lost loved ones.  Stay tuned for more information about our petition to our Congressional Delegation and the April 15th National Day of Action to Oppose Drones.

Stop the F-35


The F-35 program epitomizes the largess of the military-contractor machine.  As a program that has run upwards of ONE TRILLION dollars to date, it is among the real reasons we are going broke as a country.  As an attack weapon (and not designed for defense) that will undoubtedly result in the killings of innocent peoples around the world, it has no place in Vermont skies - or any skies.  



School of the Americas Watch


The Will Miller Green Mountain Veterans For Peace participates in an annual SOA Watch solidarity vigil held in Burlington every November.  Visit this page for more information about the School of the Americas and why we should demand the end to this program.  Details about SOA Watch 2014 to follow.

End Militarization of the Police


Due to Department of Defense Program 1033, local and state police forces across the country have been receiving surplus military grade equipment curtesy of the Pentagon.  This has resulted in an alarming militarization of the police force, in violation of community policing to protect, and has created an atmosphere in which citizens are increasingly viewed as hostile enemies.  

Major General Smedley Butler



Author of "War Is A Racket"

"A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people.  Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about.  It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."  -- 1935

Stay Tuned


Peace Poetry & Art Contest


Email us if you would like to be contacted when our next contest is being planned.


This is a scholarship contest open to students across the state from grades K-12 as well as college students.


Monthly Chapter Meetings in Montpelier 

Chapter Members Located Statewide



Last Site Update: August, 2018


Member Chapter of:

Veterans For Peace, 501(c)3

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