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Petition to De-Militarize the Police

Department of Defense (DOD) Program 1033, a federal program enacted in 1995, has allowed for the transfer of military equipment to civilian law enforcement departments nationwide.  The resulting militarization of the police has negatively impacted the relationship between the public and the police.  A de-militarized police force is in keeping with Vermont’s values and the public’s interest, and as such, we the undersigned ask the Vermont legislature to enact a law:   

  • Prohibiting Vermont agencies from accepting surplus military equipment from DOD;

  • Requiring law enforcement agencies return to DOD the military equipment they’ve already received – including the Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles;

  • Requiring law enforcement agencies develop, train in the use of, and practice non-violent and limited professional responses to augment standard procedures;

  • Requiring law enforcement agencies return to “police blue” uniforms and clearly marked vehicles, which are easily recognizable and distinctive from militarized styles.​

Vermont Residents:

To sign, please use the contact form below and be sure to include your NAME, TOWN of RESIDENCE, and STATEMENT indicating your support for the petition to de-militarize the police in the message block.  


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Monthly Chapter Meetings in Montpelier 

Chapter Members Located Statewide



Last Site Update: August, 2018


Member Chapter of:

Veterans For Peace, 501(c)3

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