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Survey responses are below in alphabetical order.  Some respondents opted not to answer "yes" or "no," and their comments are included in parentheses or under "Other Responses."  Some respondents asked that other comments be included and we have done so as appropriate.  Thank you for your willingness to share your position on this issue.  We realize that some candidates are current office holders, but we have elected to not include incumbency status under the titles for sake of consistency.




Dear Legislative* Candidate,


Vermont Veterans for Peace is very concerned about the growing tendency of law enforcement agencies to acquire equipment that is designed for war. We regard this acquisition as unnecessary, expensive, needlessly provocative, and carrying the potential for tragedy.


The enclosed clipping from the Montpelier Times Argus** explains part of the reason for our concern.


If you are elected to the legislature, would you:

  1. Introduce a bill to prevent Vermont agencies from acquiring military equipment (e.g., high caliber automatic weapons, armored vehicles, drones, aircraft, stun grenades, and silencers) from the Department of Defense?     Yes____  No___

  2. Co-sponsor such a bill?     Yes___  No___

  3. Vote in favor of such a bill?     Yes___  No___

  4. Oppose such a bill?     Yes___  No___


Please add any additional thoughts or comments you may have and we will post them, along with your responses to our questions, on our web site.


You can use the enclosed envelope for your reply.


Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.




Similar surveys were mailed to candidates for the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general, asking whether they would use their offices to support the passage of such a bill.

** The clipping from the Montpelier Times Argus was of the August 22, 2014 article by Eric Blaisdell, "Show of Force:  How Much?" 


Survey Responses - State Legislative Office


If re-/elected to the state legislature, I would be willing to:


Introduce a bill to prevent Vermont agencies from acquiring military equipment (e.g., high caliber automatic weapons, armored vehicles, drones, aircraft, stun grenads, and silencers):

  • Steve Berry, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Bennington 4

  • Benjamin Bosley, Liberty Union candidate for State Senator, Grand Isle

  • John Cisar, Libertarian candidate for State Senator, Chittenden

  • Paul Dame, Republican candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 8-2

  • Sandra "Sandy" Gaffney, Progressive/Democratic candidate for State Senator, Washington

  • Rodney Graham, Republican candidate for State Representative, Orange 1

  • Mike Heath, Democratic candidate for State Senator, Caledonia

  • Robert Hooper, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 6-1

  • Jerry Levy, Liberty Union candidate for State Senator, Windham

  • Stuart Lindberg, Independent candidate for State Representative, Windsor 2

  • Jim McCullough, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 2

  • Jerry Mullen, Independent candidate for State Representative, Washington-Chittenden

  • Warren H. Roaf, Republican candidate for State Senator, Bennington

  • Dana Rushford, Libertarian candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 9-2

  • Charles Russell, Republican candidate for State Representative, Orange-Washington-Addison (possibly)

  • Michael Sabourin, Independent candidate for State Representative, Washington 6

  • Rama Schneider, Independent candidate for State Representative, Orange 1

  • Ed Stone, Republican candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 4-1

  • Paul Washburn, Libertarian candidate for State Senate, Chittenden

  • Glyn Wilkinson, Libertarian candidate for State Senate, Chittenden

  • Deborah Wright, Independent candidate for State Representative, Windham 3


Co-sponsor such a bill:

  • Steve Berry, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Bennington 4

  • Benjamin Bosley, Liberty Union candidate for State Senator, Grand Isle

  • John Cisar, Libertarian candidate for State Senator, Chittenden

  • Paul Dame, Republican candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 8-2

  • David L. Deen, Democratic candidate for State Represenative, Windham 4

  • Patsy French, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Orange-Washington-Addison (maybe)

  • Sandra "Sandy" Gaffney, Progressive/Democratic candidate for State Senator, Washington

  • Diana Gonzalez, Progressive/Democratic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 6-7 (potentially)

  • Rodney Graham, Republican candidate for State Representative, Orange 1

  • Mike Heath, Democratic candidate for State Senator, Caledonia

  • Robert Hooper, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 6-1

  • Jerry Levy, Liberty Union candidate for State Senator, Windham

  • Stuart Lindberg, Independent candidate for State Representative, Windsor 2

  • Michael D. Malone, Independent candidate for State Senator, Franklin (maybe)

  • Jim McCullough, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 2

  • Jerry Mullen, Independent candidate for State Representative, Washington-Chittenden

  • Warren H. Roaf, Republican candidate for State Senator, Bennington

  • Dana Rushford, Libertarian candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 9-2

  • Charles Russell, Republican candidate for State Representative, Orange-Washington-Addison (possibly)

  • Michael Sabourin, Independent candidate for State Representative, Washington 6

  • Rama Schneider, Independent candidate for State Representative, Orange 1

  • Dave Sharpe, Democractic candidate for State Representative, Addison 4

  • Robert A. Starr, Democratic/Republican for State Senator, Essex-Orleans

  • Ed Stone, Republican candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 4-1

  • Tommy J. Walz, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Washington 3

  • Paul Washburn, Libertarian candidate for State Senate, Chittenden

  • Glyn Wilkinson, Libertarian candidate for State Senate, Chittenden

  • Deborah Wright, Independent candidate for State Representative, Windham 3


Vote in favor of such a bill:

  • Steve Berry, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Bennington 4

  • Benjamin Bosley, Liberty Union candidate for State Senator, Grand Isle

  • Claude Bouchard, Republican candidate for State Representative, Franklin 3-1

  • John Cisar, Libertarian candidate for State Senator, Chittenden

  • Ann Cummings, Democratic candidate for State Senator, Washington

  • Paul Dame, Republican candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 8-2

  • David L. Deen, Democratic candidate for State Represenative, Windham 4

  • Patsy French, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Orange-Washington-Addison (maybe)

  • Sandra "Sandy" Gaffney, Progressive/Democratic candidate for State Senator, Washington

  • Diana Gonzalez, Progressive/Democratic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 6-7

  • Rodney Graham, Republican candidate for State Representative, Orange 1

  • Mike Heath, Democratic candidate for State Senator, Caledonia

  • Robert Hooper, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 6-1

  • Jerry Levy, Liberty Union candidate for State Senator, Windham

  • Stuart Lindberg, Independent candidate for State Representative, Windsor 2

  • Michael D. Malone, Independent candidate for State Senator, Franklin (maybe)

  • Jim McCullough, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 2

  • Jerry Mullen, Independent candidate for State Representative, Washington-Chittenden

  • Warren H. Roaf, Republican candidate for State Senator, Bennington

  • Dana Rushford, Libertarian candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 9-2

  • Charles Russell, Republican candidate for State Representative, Orange-Washington-Addison 

  • Michael Sabourin, Independent candidate for State Representative, Washington 6

  • John G. Santorello, Republican candidate for State Representative, Washington 3

  • Rama Schneider, Independent candidate for State Representative, Orange 1

  • Dave Sharpe, Democractic candidate for State Representative, Addison 4

  • Robert A. Starr, Democratic/Republican for State Senator, Essex-Orleans

  • Ed Stone, Republican candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 4-1

  • Tommy J. Walz, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Washington 3

  • Paul Washburn, Libertarian candidate for State Senate, Chittenden

  • Glyn Wilkinson, Libertarian candidate for State Senate, Chittenden

  • Deborah Wright, Independent candidate for State Representative, Windham 3


Oppose such a bill:

  • Paul D. LeFebvre, Republican candidate for State Representative, Essex-Caledonia-Orleans (probably)



Other Responses:


"... this issue is concerning to me and I'm interested in finding out what is happening and what public resources and policies are at issue." - Sarah Buxton, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Windsor-Orange 1


"Vermont's law enforcement agencies are a civilian force not a military force.  A civil force may not be granted extraordinary rights or privileges which the citizenry do not themselves possess.  It is reasonable to require all law enforcement be subject to the same state and federal laws governing civilian ownership and operation of military grade equipment and weapons.  I strongly oppose police militarization in Vermont and across the United States and view militarization as harmful to the security of a free and peaceful civil society.  If elected to represent Chittenden County, I will work to stop police militarization in the state of Vermont." - John Cisar, Libertarian candidate for State Senate, Chittenden


"Thank you for bringing attention to this issue!  I have heard about it more in Keene, NH and Ferguson, MO but had missed this story about Duxbury.  The men in the photo look like soldiers, not peace officers."  - Paul Dame, Republican candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 8-2


"I have been gravely concerned with the militarization of the police for some time.  I believe the police have all of the equipment and resources needed to deal with situations where such equipment could be necessary already.  It is called the National Guard."  - Mike Heath, Democratic candidate for State Senator, Caledonia


"I think the adoption of tactical gear as one of the daily 'duty uniforms' runs counter to the spirit of community policing."  - Robert Hooper, Democractic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 6-1


"I am very concerned about it.  9/11 caused a stif that allowed the pendulum to swing way to far.  Our emergency management folks have been running into each other trying to spend the money."  - J. Guy Isabelle, Democractic candidate for State Representative, Washington 2


"I am opposed to militarization of any kind especially the militarization of the police force.  I would further vote against any measure that involves legislation for supporting military development in Vermont."  - Jerry Levy, Liberty Union candidate for State Senator, Windham


"I need to hear from the other side of this issue.  I am concerned by the militarization of the police.  I think Homeland Security has its reasons for wanting a heavily armed police force.  I'm just not sure I agree with them.  I would be in favor of equipment that increases safety for offiers, and, especially, for the public.  However, I don't see an MRAP as good use of grant money."  - Michael D. Malone, Independent candidate for State Senator, Franklin


"We need a paradigm of peace presented to all the world's people; surely by our own government to our own people.  Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."  - Jim McCullough, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 2


"I too am very concerned about these issues and would seriously consider suporting legislation to address them.  But, I cannot blanketly answer yes or no to the questions above.  I would need to read the bill specifics and do more research."  - Barbara Rachelson, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 6-6


"The continual build up of armament for law enforcement agencies and possibly IRS, Homeland Security, Border Patrol and others is a major concern for me.  If elected my focus and theme is "I want my freedom back!"  My freedom is threatened by this gifting from federal to state and local agencies."  - Charles Russell, Republican candidate for State Representative, Orange-Washington-Addison 


"Good luck."  - Ed Stone, Republican candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 4-1


"I concur with President Obama's ordering of a review of the 1033 program.  I share concerns such as articulated by Allen Gilbert of ACLU-VT regarding our law enforcement agencies becoming 'militarized.'  That said, I need to hear testimony, be able to ask questions, listen to discussion, and see actual language before being able to answer your questions with full integrity.  That is as far as I can in good conscious go at this time." - Maida F. Townsend, Democratic candidate for State Representative, Chittenden 7-4


"Thanks for your efforts!" - Paul Washburn, Libertarian candidate for State Senate, Chittenden 


"I am very concerned about this issue myself, both as a citizen and as a Libertarian.  I feel that the police should never be better armed that the citizen.  There is great danger in going down that road.  I am also concerned about violence in our society.  I feel too often that our government sets the bar, when we are killing people we don't know in countries we've never seen it sets a very bad example.  As does this police militarization set a bad example.  As a libertarian I support the principle of non aggression.  It is totally against libertarian principle to initiate force on another whether as physical, coersion, etc."  - Glyn Wilkerson, Libertarian candidate for State Senate, Chittenden




Survey Responses - Governor


If re-/elected governor, I would use my office to:


Advocate for a bill that would prevent Vermont agencies from acquiring surplus military equipment (e.g., high caliber automatic weapons, armored vehicles, drones, aircraft, stun grenades, and silencers) from the Department of defense:

  • Bernard Peters, Independent candidate for Governor

  • Emily Peyton, Independent candidate for Governor


Sign such a bill into law:

  • Bernard Peters, Independent candidate for Governor

  • Emily Peyton, Independent candidate for Governor


Oppose such a bill:


Veto such a bill:


Other Responses:

"If police have an incident and there is a fatality, the police should not investigate themselves.  It should be done by an outside source which would be impartial and do away with possibilities of partiality."  - Bernard Peters, Independent candidate for Governor


from response, "Of course the militarization of the police is a course that we need to double back on.   I can help the police return to their essential peace keeping role. ... I will be speaking to this at the debate on October 9th..." - Emily Peyton, Independent candidate for Governor



Survey Responses - Lieutenant Governor


If re-/elected lieutenant governor, I would use my office to:


Advocate for a bill that would prevent Vermont agencies from acquiring surplus military equipment (e.g., high caliber automatic weapons, armored vehicles, drones, aircraft, stun grenades, and silencers) from the Department of defense:


Oppose such a bill:


Other Responses:



Survey Responses - Attorney General


If re-/elected attorney general, I would use my office to:


Advocate for a bill that would prevent Vermont agencies from acquiring surplus military equipment (e.g., high caliber automatic weapons, armored vehicles, drones, aircraft, stun grenades, and silencers) from the Department of defense:

  • Rosemarie Jackowski, Liberty Union candidate for Attorney General


Oppose such a bill:


Other Responses:


from campaign statement:  "Call for a moratorium on the militarization of local police departments.  The acquisition of unnecessary military equipment has many disadvantages.  It places a burden on taxpayers.  It also creates a militarized culture in small towns."  - Rosemarie Jackowski, Liberty Union candidate for Attorney General

"I generally share your concern regarding the militarization of police forces in this country.  However, in VT, I do not think a new statute is the right answer.  Discussion, education, and "buy-in" with and by law enforcement personnel would be my first choice.  As noted, though, I would not actively oppose a bill."  - Shane McCormack, Republican candidate for Attorney General

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